Newsy does its best to provide you with detailed level analytics of how each of your site is doing. However, if you are after a more in-depth analysis of your site's traffic, Newsy can easily integrate with Google Analytics or Fathom Analytics.
Google Analytics v4
Please note that Google Analytics is now transitioning to version 4. If you are using the prior version of Google Analytics, you will need to login to your Google Analytics account and move to v4. Newsy currently supports both v4 as well as the prior version. If you are on the previous version, everything should still be working, though we highly recommend you move to v4.
When you go to Google Analytics and add a new site to analyze, each site is assigned a unique ID (shown below as G-JWS5QTMKHF) and you need to copy and paste this ID in Newsy.
The Google Analytics ID can be found by going to Admin, Data Stream and selecting the data stream you created when setting it up. There, under the Tagging Instructions you will need to click on the Global site tag, which will show a screen similar to below.
In the above code, find the ID G-JWS5QTMKHF. Copy this and go to Analytics in your site and paste it in the Google Analytics text field. You should now see your site's report via your Google Analytics page.
Fathom Analytics
To add Fathom Analytics to your site, copy and paste the Site ID in the analytics page according to the documentation provided here.
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